For those of you who think the California recall doesn't affect them personally, think again. I'm not talking about a generalized "we all suffer when democracy fails" kind of effect.
It's like a contagion, a virus, and it's spreading from state to state. My home state (it's the bright green one to the left) is the next one to be afflicted with this disease. Be careful -- it could happen to you.'re about a 1/4 of the way to the 128,000 signatures needed, and they still have until Thanksgiving to get the rest. Also, Guinn is a REPUBLICAN.
(I'd also like to mention that the petition drive is being spearheaded by Freepers who seem to think that raising taxes to pay for our on-the-verge-of-collapse-schools is the worst idea in history. Christ almighty, what's wrong with these people? Why can't they just pay their fair share and STFU?