Quote of the Night on Immigration: "We have to round them up and dump them back efficiently". -- Tom DeLay.When you think Tom DeLay can't sink any lower, look up, because he just did.
On the Outside:His "townhall" meeting was open only to those with an "invitation" and was run by the Harris County Republican Party who rented out the Harris County activity center then instructed the rented police to move all protestors away from the door. In fact we could not even be in the parking lot.
Although it was invitatation only, a number of people were able to get inside. A full inside report will be available soon as well as copies of the presentation.
The media was not allowed inside either, so they interviewed the protestors outside. DeLay intends to have the same type of event in Sugarland tomorrow night.
Instead of meeting with his constituents, he spends his time and possibly our dollars woo-ing his own party members, and not doing a very good job of it.
On the Inside:Even with a pro-DeLay, hand picked crowd, there was no open mike. Questions had to be submitted on cards and screened by his staff. An individual who wanted to ask a follow-up question on social security was told by DeLay "NO. We have rules".
His comments on immigration was just classic "We have to round them up and dump them back efficiently". Just true tom delay.
Security was tight with at least 10 Pasadena policeman, video taping the protestors. A more detailed report from the inside is coming.