Does that mean I think we should ignore the tragedies in London, of course not. My sympathies lie with Britain, understand their hurt, fear and loss. But we aren't insensitive to Londoners just because we continue to press the initiative on the corruption in our government. I am not willing to give Chimpy, Cheney, Rove, and the rest of the cabal one damn day of rest for any reason. They have had press EZ Passes for the last four and a half years and I will not let up for one second.
We know that freepers, neocons and repugs have the attention span of a gnat and are easily distracted with events that keep them from focusing on anything of importance. Let them obsess with Michael Jackson, the Alabama girl, what Tom Cruise is doing today, I'm staying on task with ChimpyCo. The press is finally, finally addressing the crimes of this administration and I will not be sidetracked.
Does anyone honestly think that Rove, Cheney and the rest of the Gang of Thugs are quietly sitting in their White House offices patiently waiting for the horrors of London to pass before getting back to screwing the country? Nope, they do their dirtiest work when people are distracted with other events.