I wrote something on my blog yesterday that is reinforced by the attacks of today. In essence Britain was attacked today precisely because they are pulling back on this illegal war, they needed a jolt - why you ask, here is part of what I wrote yesterday about why we haven't been attacked on our soil since 9/11 (the sheepole just love to crow about how Bush has protected us):
So why haven’t we been attacked on our soil since 9/11? I think that even the Sheepole would agree that there are terrorists in this county, so they could easily strap on a suicide bomb and walk into a Wal Mart in Topeka – right? So why haven’t they? I hate to break it to you Sheepole but it isn’t because of your blind notion of Bush’s heroic leadership. Simply put it is because they don’t need to, they got what they wanted, by their one horrific act. Bush over reacted, yes Afghanistan was right, but by invading an Arab country unprovoked we have given the terrorists the recruiting poster and a war on Islam. bin Laden is out there somewhere laughing his ass off at Bush. After 9/11 we had all of the world behind us, the terrorists had everyone against them, now Bush has managed to reverse that in world opinion. They won’t strike as long as we continue this illegal folly because we now are the bad guys, we are the ones with the torture chambers, destroying lives, and killing innocent civilians, and the whole world is against us, that is except for the blind Sheepole. With that said, I'm not against this country or the troops, I'm against what Bush has done to this great nation.
What do you think?
The file post is here: