or even to today's attack in London?
It is painfully obvious that the "sing Kumbuyah and rally round the president" approach allowed the far right to half-neuter our democracy.
Off the top of my head, something like this would be a good start:
We mourn the loss of life, but like firemen or policemen coming to the scene of a disaster, we can do no one any good if we act on emotion instead of rationally assessing the problem. This loss should not be used to take away our basic freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, or to attack nations who have not attacked us. Rather, we should take only those actions that punish the states and parties responsible, and just as importantly, we must make it more difficult for these groups to recruit, not by bringing democracy at the barrel of gun, but by ending our support for repressive regimes in Arab world.
If democracy is contagious, let's plant the seed where we can do it without inflicting the pain on others that we are feeling ourselves today.
The people we fight have done terrible things, but we do not help ourselves by making them comic book villains and boogey men. If we don't know why they did this, we cannot fight it effectively.
I will not give up my freedom, even in the face of possible death.
I will not kill innocent people to avenge these deaths, acting like a lynch mob instead of a civilized nation. America is better than that.
And when we hunt terrorists, we should not flinch from following when the trail of money and support leads to some of our allies like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, or the business interests seeking gain from militarism abroad.
Hillbilly Hitler art: