Wes is squinting and looking miserable.
"We've got to follow the evidence... the cameras, the unexploded bombs...
First it takes a great law enforcement response."
colmes asking about the detainees:
"I think in this case what this indicates is a lot of al Qaeda copycats. al Qaeda is a franchise. We don't know if there was any central direction. Take the ideology away from young angry people. They can't be permitted to think that God wants them to do this. Got to get the Islamic people engage ideologically. Requires a lot of liason. Don't know how much the admin is working on it. Next thing you've got to recognize is that we've got ot invest in homeland security. We've got a 100 billion short fall in homeland security. You can't depend on military action abroad so that you don't need it here."
Hannity: this is pure evil. Doesn't this prove that the president is right. We knew sadaam used biological weapons. John Kerry and Bill Clinton told us he did. We can't take a chance.
Wes" you're onto a very solid point that abt the dangers of WMD. They can stage a multi-explosive attack. But we must be sure they never get this."
But that's why we went to Iraq.
Wes: there's lots of things we need to do. Never mind why we went to Iraq. We should be strengthening treaties, inspections, isolate rogue states.
OK, that's it. I think he should have nailed Hannity more. Hannity is such an ass. BTW, they gave Wes much less time than they gave the Repubs. At least I think that. I wasn't typing like a maniac, though, while the Repubs were talking.