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Israel Grounds 27 Pilots Who Refused Mission (site high moral standards)

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-25-03 02:44 PM
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Israel Grounds 27 Pilots Who Refused Mission (site high moral standards)
These guys are real life hero's. Don

JERUSALEM - Israel on Thursday temporarily grounded reserve air force pilots who — in an unprecedented protest — condemned airstrikes in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as "immoral" and refused to fly such sorties.

The declaration by 27 pilots, including nine on active duty, was widely criticized in Israel as subversive at a time of war, but it also revived a flagging debate on the ethics of Israel's three-year war on Palestinian militants.

The protest struck a nerve because many Israelis believe their military has higher moral standards than that of their neighbors, and that other countries would have been much more ruthless.

The military is also seen as an institution that binds the fractious nation; Israelis get jittery at signs of cracks in the ranks. The air force in particular is considered key to Israel's survival, and pilots are held in the highest regard. Critics also say such talk gives ammunition to Israel's enemies.


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rabid_nerd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-25-03 02:46 PM
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1. Redundant post of a redundant occurance
aka, Dupe (athough in LBN)

But like I said there, isn't grounding pilots for refusing to fly redundant? :shrug:
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nomaco-10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-25-03 02:55 PM
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2. I rated this story a five.
Thanks Don. I think this is a story that deserves attention. Imagine, mutiny within the ranks of the murderous villian Sharon. I hope this catches on all the way to Baghdad.
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