has bungled, blown, outed or foiled--directly connected to action by Bush toadies or occurring on the Bush regime's watch with causality unclear--and then when you think also about how convenient it is to have a terrorist bombing shoving Plamegate off the front pages, you have to wonder about London 7/7.
Here's a short list of Bush regime's bungling and foiling terrorist investigations:
Forced John O'Neil (investigating Saudi/OBL $$) out of the FBI, prior to 9/11.
Forced out Richard Clarke who was warning about OBL.
Ignored numerous warnings of 9/11 from numerous sources.
Refused to permit FBI agent Coleen Rowley to open the computer of a suspected airplane terrorist just prior to 9/11.
Failed to take any defensive measures to protect the Pentagon and the Capitol, with nearly an hour's notice on 9/11--inexplicable Air Force standdown.
Permitted OBL relatives to leave the country shortly after 9/11 without questioning them; facilitated their exit.
Invaded Afghanistan, killing numerous innocent people; failed to catch the purported 9/11 perps; lost interest in Afghanistan...
Invaded Iraq, slaughtered over 100,000 innocents, and multiplied "terrorists" by the many thousands, and prompted their alliance with furious Iraqi patriots and rebels. Falsely accused Iraq of possessing WMDs, as the excuse to invade; also falsely accused Iraq of complicity in 9/11.
Outed CIA WMD specialist Valerie Plame and her entire WMD covert network--a 20+ year project to provide the US with accurate info on weapons proliferation--during a period when Bush regime was hunting for WMDs in Iraq (post-invasion). Many in her network probably dead as a result; put Plame's life at risk. Purported reason: to punish her husband Joseph Wilson for whistleblowing on Bush false claim about Iraq nukes.
In the same time frame as Plame (July 2003, while the post-invasion "hunt" for WMDs in Iraq proceeded --cheered on by NYT Judith Miller), Brit chief weapons inspector for Iraq, David Kelly, hounded by gov't, grilled by intel service, and outed to the press, for covert whistleblowing to the BBC re: Bush/Blair lies about Iraq WMDs, then soon found dead under highly suspicious circumstances (officially whitewashed as a "suicide"). Kelly's last email, to Judith Miller (!), warned of "dark actors playing games."
Outed the investigation of Pakistan's nuke proliferation (Kahn)--blew the investigation.
Blew a recent Italian terrorist investigation by untimely and illegal arrests.
Inspired nuke programs in Iran and No. Korea with warmongering language and threats.
I've just begun adding up these outed and blown investigations and disabled WMD weapons experts, and the whole picture of Bush regime behavior on this matter, which has begun to look less like incompetence and stupidity, and more like deliberate facilitation of terrorism. (And this has a history, or course--we know the Bush gang supported and armed OBL to begin with, supported and armed Saddam Hussein, and were involved in a number of outlaw wars, the most notorious being the "contra" war in Nicaragua.)
Here's a fascinating thread on possible connection of Plamegate to Cheney/Halliburton trade in nuke components (did Bush Cartel disable Plame and her network to remove CIA eyes and ears around the world on WMD activity, in order to make billions in arms trade profits?)
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x2178477#2180220And here's one on Plame/Miller/Kelly:
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2005/7/3/17138/30618 The coincidence in time of Plame outing and Kelly death seems pertinent. Summer 2003. Post-invasion. There is nothing Bush/Blair needed more that summer than a find of WMDs in Iraq. None found (not for lack of effort by Judith Miller, who went hopping around with the troops in Iraq looking for WMDs, leading them here and there, and yelling at them for not looking hard enough--to the annoyance of local commanders). Why didn't they plant WMDs in Iraq? It's hard to imagine they didn't have some plot to do so. Were Plame's outing and Kelly's death connected to foiling such a plot? That's my guess. (--although the Cheney arms dealing theory--$$$$$$$$$$--should not be discounted).
The answer to the stink in Washington DC is state/local election reform. We must restore our right to vote! We must throw Diebold, ES&S and brethren out of the election business NOW! The only place where we can get that done is in state/local jurisdictions, where the authority over election systems still resides, and where ordinary people still have some say. See the DU Forum "2004 Election Results and Discussion" for information and action ideas: