the TRUTH is always the best thing to tell children- as best we are able. That he is NOT coming home, and that it is sad, and not 'fair' and it's ok to FEEL whatEVER she feels- and that she can come and talk to you any time she needs, and that he died in a WAR-
And explain that some people think that if we use guns to stop people from killing other people, then the world will be a better place. That her brother thought he was doing the 'right' thing for the world, but sometimes when we do things that are dangerous we die.
Tell her that no one KNOWS for sure what happens when we die, but people have lots of different ideas- and share what she believes, saying why she believes it.
When my father died, my youngest was completely at a loss- he didn't understand why 'grampy' was in a box, and why he didn't 'look' right- he didn't want 'grampy' to get shut in the box and put in the ground- it was another in a LONG string of losses and deaths that our little family was and continues to experience.-
i explained that i believe there is more to a person than their 'shell'- that our bodies hold us, but are NOT everything 'we' are- There are things we cannot 'see' or feel or taste or touch, but they still ARE- magnetism, radio waves, we can't SEE the wind, but we can feel it- We can't hear phone calls passing through the air, but someone is talking to someone else.
He was 4 when 'grampy' died- One nite at dinner, soon after, 'Grampy' came up in conversation again- My son picked up his glass of water and drank it down- "look at your glass" i said, "it is empty, where did the water go?" "it's in my tummy" he said- "well, i can't see it" i said- and "your glass is still there, but it doesn't have any water left in it." " And i can't see the water anymore, but i know it is still somewhere"
i would tell this little girl, that that wasn't a 'doll' but it was a 'shell' that held all the special and good things, that were Carlos. and Carlos has changed into something we don't see or know 'RIGHT NOW' but someday we will change too, someday maybe a very long time from now, we will know what it is like- and we will know Carlos,and Andy and Grampy, and ..................(my list is endless) But until then, we need to live life, and do what we think is 'right' and remember that how much Carlos loved her, and it's ok to love him.
'A home for hermit crab' is a good book to use- the shell is still there, the crab moves on-
after writing all this, i know you were likely looking for a more political slant, rather than 'advice' to this mom, but for a 5 yr old- who has lost so much, reassurance and comfort, and the freedom to feel and not shut down, or turn inward- is more than enough to cope with- blame, never brought a body back-
and the ultimate atrocity, is to "pay off" those who have lost a love-there is NO equation between 'life' and money- money can not bring a person back, or make wrong right- and grief is something we all do badly- and want to avoid...... but the only ones we hurt when we strike out, and rage- are ourselves- in the end.
oh, how sad this old world is.... weary sad and tired... but while lives are ending, children are just starting out- and we can't let their 'spirit' die, in our grief........
rambling and crying and mourning the dying of so much so many so long