July 8, 2005
Inmate Number 45570083
Alexandria Detention Center
2001 Mill Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Dear Ms. Miller:
I wish to take this opportunity to tell you that in my opinion you are exactly where you belong. You were a major propagandist for the Bush White House and you aided and abetted in propagating the lies about the WMD ~ which never were in Iraq. Thanks to you, approximately 1,750 US Soldiers died for NOTHING. So while you are sitting in your jail cell, perhaps you should contemplate that through all eternity, if there is a God, you most certainly will be condemned to hell for what you did. The blood of those brave and innocent soldiers is on your hands. And, Ms. Miller, IMO, there is NO way for you to cleanse your hands of the same.
The Office of Special Plans was created in the Pentagon to fix the intelligence viz Iraq. And you spewed the lies and mis-truths put out by them. Those lies, yes, lies, that were found in articles authored by you, were then used by the Bush Administration in speeches made to Congress and the American public in order to get support for their immoral and illegal war. Judith Miller, you were not merely mistaken about WMD being in Iraq, IMO, you knowingly and willingly joined in a plan to deceive the American public.
I hope US Atty Patrick Fitzgerald subpoenas you several times to appear before the court and testify. And I hope that each time it happens, that you refuse to reveal the truth of the illegal conduct which was done by the Bush White House. And for each refusal? I hope that you get sentenced to 18 months for each one. As far as I am concerned, lady, you can rot there.
Sincerely yours,
A Disgusted Reader