Edited on Sat Jul-09-05 02:56 PM by ck4829
America is under attack from the Far Right, and it seems as though they are winning.
They are built like an army, their assets are uncountable, the zeal of their 'activists' (soldiers) is comparable with that of 'islamic' Terrorists.
It's impossible to beat them, right? No, they are beatable, and we must defeat them.
There is hope.
First, we must identify what the Far Right is.
I have seen articles, stories, etc.
Pat Robertson: "If Bush touches Jerusalem, we'll form a new party!"
An Article: "Many people in the Christian Right are involved in politics for one reason, abortion."
Countdown last night: "This Terri Schiavo thing is a WEDGE ISSUE."
The Far Right is not a singular group, it is a Conglomerate of groups of people that are very passionate on issues such as abortion, affirmative action, GLBT Rights, etc.
Now I will identify the groups that make up the Far Right. This is the Covenant of real life.
Anti-Liberal - Do not be confused, this is NOT a Conservative. This is rather the type of Conservative that considers Liberals to be traitors (because they oppose them) to the United States. Is willing to accuse Liberals and Progressives of almost anything (being tied to terrorists, hating Bush, trying to make a New World Order, etc.). Examples: David Horowitz and his ilk.
Neo-Conservative - Once again, do not be fooled by the name. A Neo-Con should actually be called a Militaristic Capitalist. The War on Terra made the 'Neo-Cons' very, very rich. Almost makes you wonder if they wanted 9/11 to happen. Examples: PNAC, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, etc.
'christian' Rightist - The Grunts of the Far Right. Will believe anything that the Right says. One of those people that worships Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, etc.
Homophobe - Believes that there is a GLBT Agenda, opposes Hate Crimes legislation, real nice people... not.
Bigot - Believes that our country has a Christian heritage. Gets REAL angry when prayers from other religions are read by people, yet also gets REAL angry when people don't want to read a Christian prayer. Also opposes Science and Evolution.
Israelite - This has very little to do with Judaism or Jewish people. An Israelite is a Far Rightist who promotes 'Greater Israel', or the belief that Israel should take ALL of the holy land, promotes Settlements, opposes the Peace Process, etc.
Overgrown Fetus - Simply put, they are the backbone of the 'christian' Right. They oppose abortion on almost or on ALL grounds.
Overseer - The newest type of Far Rightist. Fortunately, this is also the one that is closest to extinction. Recently, people have been trying to attract minorities into the fold of the RW. They have been using things such as "The Contract with Black America". This caste is dying because it has been noted that those who did not vote for a bill that was a statement against lynching were almost all Republicans.
That's out of the way, now it's time for the organization chart of the Far Right. It will start with the lowest chain, and then go up.
Activists - Freepers, people who attend 'Science is a lie' rallies, etc. We've seen them all | Shrines - A Shrine is an organizing place for Far Right Activists. This could be a Church, a Church like body (such as Focus on the Family), a website such as WorldNutDaily, you get the idea. | Mediums - The Nervous System and Tendrils for the Far Right. These are the Funders (such as Scaife) and the Think Tanks. | The Council for National Policy - This is the brain of the Far Right. The CNP is a secret meeting of these 'Mediums' that I mentioned earlier that happens 3 times a year. If I am right about this, then Morton Blackwell is the King of the Far Right.
Now, it's time for our weapons against the Far Right. The Far Rightists CONTRADICT each other, not compliment them!
I have some suggestions.
1. Push Separation of Church and State as an issue of National Security. Say it will prevent Religious Extremists from influencing the government.
2. Push Bush to the Left. Even if we have to start a whisper campaign saying that Bush is becoming a Liberal, we must do something that will make it seem as though Bush is becoming a Moderate or even a Liberal.
3. Let GLBT people serve in the Military. We must convince Bush and the GOP that this War on Terra should cause this unneeded ban to be lifted.