Edited on Sat Jul-09-05 03:08 PM by SoCalDem
For about 3 years running, the state of Florida has requested and GOTTEN enormous amounts of federal money to cope with what is a given occurence...Hurricanes hitting a long peninsula, sitting smack-dab in the middle of Hurricane Alley.
The fact that sometimes the season is mild, is NO guarantee that it will always be so. The rampant (and shoddy) construction that continues, is largely responsible for the ever-mounting costs associated with the annual hurrican season.
While watching the Weather Channel today, NUMEROUS reporters...scattered all over the coastline, are calling attention to, and sometimes seeking shelter inside terribly compromised , damaged remains of LAST YEAR'S storms...and pointing out HUGE piles of rubble that will be this year's "flying projectiles".
Many of our own DUers are still having issues getting stuff from last year fixed, and are still dealing with insurance and federal agencies. If so much money was not needed right on the beaches, perhaps there could be more left for ordinary people who suffered mostly flooding from the rain, and wind damage.
Beach clean up after a hurricane, used to be ocean debris, brought in from the pounding surf.. Just because someone CAN buy beachfront sand and plop down a million dollar "cottage", is NO reason that they should be allowed to do it. Even if they do pay huge insurance premiums, does anyone really think that the other Floridians are not paying part of the "cottage's" rebuilding expense?
One reporter pointed to a home damaged last year, where "they just finished installing the new carpet and tile a few weeks ago, and...." (well you get the drift)...
Eminent Domain issues abound in Florida (and in the fire-canyons and forests opf California, too).. Perhaps FEMA money could be better used as seed money to start buying up the coastline, and returning it to PUBLIC land that will not bankrupt the "aid" funds year after year.
Like the beach? Fine.. GO there..pitch a tent..stay a few blocks inland and ride a bike or hike to the sand..Leave it to nature and nature will take care of it.. The savings would be worth it, if, as storms take these behemoths down, they were just left down... Mother Nature is just trying to buck them off her beaches..like a wild Mustang tries to throw a would-be rider..