I just saw this column by him condemning the new
Christian Alliance for Progress, which I most admire. I am/was a Southern Baptist, a recovering one because of people like him. He makes me angry because bigots like him have hurt my former church so much.
Here is his pseudo righteous column about the group, which I think he must be a little afraid of now. This was written to the Moral Majority.
Another Group Arrives To Combat the ‘Religious Right’SNIP..."Last month, a new leftist religious organization announced its inception to battle the alleged domination that Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson and I have on modern-day politics.
This organization, the Christian Alliance for Progress, is hardly “Christian.”You may say, Falwell, that’s a pretty harsh statement.
Well, let’s take a look at this new group so we can determine if they are actually exhibiting the precepts of true Christianity.(How dare you set yourself up as judge?)In announcing its formation, the Christian Alliance for Progress unveiled what it called its “Jacksonville Declaration,” an open letter to the political and church leaders of the religious right, which “challenges and invites them to return to a Christian foundation of compassion and justice, values that Jesus passionately taught and lived.”
"...the Christian Alliance for Progress says it will “speak out when conservative Christians misrepresent the gospel to support their misguided political positions.”
These positions include “equality for gays and lesbians” and “honoring the sanctity of childbearing decisions through effective prevention, not criminalization of abortion.”It sounds like the Alliance got its talking points from Howard Dean.
The group is simply falling in line with untold numbers of past liberal church groups that have promoted abortion-rights, homosexual rights and anti-war sentiments...."You self-righteous hypocrite! You and Rev. Moon deserve each other.