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I think a lot of Americans want war

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Freedomfried Donating Member (684 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-10-05 02:45 AM
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I think a lot of Americans want war
Edited on Sun Jul-10-05 02:53 AM by Freedomfried
I've observed that the huge chunk of the Bushbot types have never been in the service, never been outside the continental US, many never outside their home state, and don't like any kind of foreigners.

They have dead-end, mind-numbingly boring jobs and unsatisfying lives, they are never going anywhere, and they've never been anywhere.

To them having the boom-boom shoot-em-up, exciting WAR news stories on the tube is desirable, irregardless of the gross injustice, or idiocy behind the reasons for it.

To them its like a huge, showy "football game".

Bad guys and their queer hippy supporters versus good guy red-blooded 'Mercans.

They make no attempt at any independent, logical thought over the issues, actually they avoid critical thinking of current events at all.

That’s their biggest form of entertainment and amusement, it makes them feel like they have a purpose, they belong.

They will support the Republican party because they promise they will keep the war going, for whatever reason.

Its all these people got, they are pitiful and sad and frightening.

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Selatius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-10-05 03:06 AM
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1. I hate to sound monstrous, but people like this goad me into thinking...
Edited on Sun Jul-10-05 03:08 AM by Selatius
...that it may be time for a draft.

Nothing like the shock of possibly dying for a war you personally get nothing out of except being shot at and possibly killed, and even if you come home, your nerves will be jangled, and your mind could be scarred for life.

Every time Independence Day rolls around and the rockets start bursting in the air, they will pay the price along with every other human being who was sucked into the machinery of war, a machinery they helped support. They will hear the loud, dull bass thumping not of fireworks but of heavy caliber weapons exploding on that distant battlefield they fought on instead. Instead of cheers at the sight of fantastic colors in the sky, they will hear screams of horror, pain, and anguish in the back of their minds gouging away at them like a knife in flesh. Then, just maybe, maybe they will know the true price of war and the price of sloth.

Maybe it's time to shove some of these people into the fucking trenches and see how real people, real flesh and blood human beings bleed, suffer, and die. I'm so sorely tempted to think that if they want war so badly, then they should just have it.
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Maru Kitteh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-10-05 03:09 AM
Response to Reply #1
Yes, it has real merit.
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PsychoDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-10-05 04:41 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. Indeed
Equal opportunity death for the glory of Bushler. Why let only the poor have the benefit of dying for our culture of lies.

If the Young Repugs won't heed the call of their master, then it is surely time to assist them in doing the honorable thing.
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freeplessinseattle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-10-05 03:48 AM
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3. The same thought's crossed my mind many times, and it makes
a hell of a lot of sense. people so detached from the rest of the world, living vicariously through tv, it seems real but it's not, the news is just another tv show for them, a really cool reality series. The flag symbols and r/w/b everything is like sports fan paraphenalia. I totally see what you mean.
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Bark Bark Bark Donating Member (572 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-10-05 04:29 AM
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4. We're not supposed to make Nazi analogies...BUT
The Bushbots and Nazis have a lot in common.

They profess a belief that they are the pinnacle of civilization, but in fact they are perfectly happy to rule by brute force, to worship blind ignorance as their greatest strength, to commit genocide, to kill anyone who is different--and therefore "impure" (translation: "and therefore frighten them to the point of crapping themselves")--regardless of whether or not they are a genuine threat.

The statements, reported here, that are coming from neo-con patsies over the London attacks--ranging from the lowlifes at FreeRepublic to the WhoreHouse slutboys at FOX News--back me up here. As do their actions; I'm reading now about cowardly attacks on mosques and stores owned by "Middle-Eastern-types." (Naturally, not one of these brave, brave vandals will be signing up for any REAL warfare.)

The only difference between any one of them and a genuine, real-life Nazi is their party affiliation.

As their built-up fictional world view continues to disintegrate around them, the ones that cling to it will only get worse.
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