Seymour Hersh did a great piece on the hundreds of millions Saudi gave al Qaeda, and several papers in Asia covered the logistical help from Pakistan. Daniel Pearl was pursuing the connection between al Qaeda and Pakistani intelligence when he got his head cut off (and his captors made the unusual demand of expediting shipment of F-16s to Pakistan, hardly anti-gov't).
Before we get hit again, we need to let people know where this is really coming from.
Our allies, the Saudis hit us. We did not retaliate AT ALL. Recently, they have returned to giving them expedited visas. If your friend stabs you in the back, you would think your relationship would cool for a bit, but in reality, just as no one in the chain of command who ignored the warnings and confused our air defenses was punished, neither were the Saudis. They did Bush a favor. And with his sinking poll numbers, Karl Rove's pending indictment, the DSM, and his itch to hit Iran, he will be looking for another favor soon.
I think we should petition Bush for those 29 pages. It worked for the August 6 PDB, and it could work for this if enough people got behind it.
What do you think?
Hillbilly Hitler art: