males. Politics in our country doesn't go some much from Left to Right in political philosophy, but from top to bottom in economic staturs.
Now you have a guy like Ken Salazar, who thinks he got elected because of he was able to speak to voters as a Democrat, about values and other issues Republicans typically spin. Well, I got news for Ken, he was elected because he ran against a guy who was dumber than a box of rocks. From what I know, Pete Coors ran a stupid campaign, I heard him talking about family and moral values when he was getting ready to throw a Coors company party with a hedonistic type theme. Now, that's Pete Coor's business, and I don't mind it, but Conservative voters certainly mind that sort of duplicity. On, Meet The Press, Coors sounded worse than Dubya on many issues. Like he had no clue what was going on about anything. He couldn't articulate simple talking points. I watched that show and saw two of the most unimpressive candidates who were running for major office this last year. So Ken Salazar didn't exactly set the bar high, it was just that he didn't have much competition to beat in the first place.
I get sick of guys like that. Centrist milktoasts who sell out our party and our convictions on a regular basis. Why don't Ken Salazar stand up for people who need jobs, health care, quality education and a clean environment? Why don't he rail against injustice? Why doesn't he stand up for our troops dying in Afghanistan and Iraq? Because he's too busy trying to be everything to everybody, that's why. He's an opportunist and a weak one at that.
There are several key battles in this country today, all very important. The battle for Democrats to take back this country from the Republicans. The battle for true Republicans to take back their party from the far-right. And, the battle for progressive Democrats to take back their party from weak-willed Centrists. After that, then you might start seeing some valid progress, but I'm not sure just how attainable it all is. I guess in large portion it's up to people like us.