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I just got back from the debate – ask me anything

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pruner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-25-03 06:09 PM
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I just got back from the debate – ask me anything
Edited on Thu Sep-25-03 06:12 PM by pruner
I arrived at City Hall Park around 11 o'clock this morning and passed out flyers about the Dean rally for about an hour and a half in front of the entrance to Pace University (where the debate took place).

I then spent the next 2 hours hanging up Dean posters all around the park & university area. Kerry was the only candidate with more posters in the immediate vicinity than Dean, and that's only cause his people started hanging them up first & took most of the good spots.

at around 2:30, Dr Dean (with Joe Trippi & other members of the team) emerged from the building I was standing in front of, and so me & two other volunteers I was was with got to personally escort him to the rally area (on the other side of the park).

when we arrived there, Dean took the stage in front of about 500 people and a gaggle of press. the whole area was cordoned off, and the streets were lined with people who stopped to hear what the good Dr had to say.

during the speech I was standing right off to the side of the stage. I was supposed to be on the stage, but there wasn't enough room with several elected officials, members of the campaign staff, and other volunteers on there.

when his speech ended (about 20 minutes after it began), Dean mingled with the crowd for about 10 minutes and then we had to begin making our way back to Pace as attandance was called for 3:30.

during the entire two block walk from the rally area to Pace, I was about 5 steps behind Dean. 2 people from his staff held a rope in front of him as he walked in order to keep the press (approx 100 of them) a few feet from him so he could walk unabated. there was also a large group of NYPD officers "protecting" him.

anyway, when we arrived at Pace I got to walk with Dean up the steps to the building the debate was taking place. At that point a police luitenant asked me to steo down and informed the huge crowd that had marched with Dean that we needed to keep the volume down (we were chanting loudly) cause students were taking tests inside. everyone moved moved back a bit, but kept on chanting for a few minutes more.

prior to the rally there had been a nice size group of Kerry supporters, but they were nowhere to be seen at this time. I assume they dispersed after he arrived, which was evidently prior to Dean. the only other groups noticeable were about 20 Sharpton supporters and 15 Clark supporters, 10 of whom were from Columbia University. there was also a guy from the draft Hillary "movement" with a table set up selling buttons. I don't know if anyone bought.

at first the groups were sorta chanting at each other (each in support of their candidate), but then we all began to chant "down with Bush" in unison. it got really loud, and we were warned again about the noise.

at this point about 100-150 of us Dean supporters and staffers headed to a nearby bar and watched the debate. I don't know where everyone else went.
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-25-03 06:29 PM
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1. That was so fine. Hmmmmm
I wish I could of been there too! You helped with the fantasy.
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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-25-03 06:45 PM
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2. Down with Shrub. Down with Shrub. Down with Shrub. ...
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