Bob Schieffer is one that you need no introduction to. He proclaimed today on Face the Nation that Judith Miller was being jailed for doing the right thing. He compared her to Martin Luther King, Jr in that both went to jail for a righteous cause. Bob decried Mr. Fitzgerald for running amok against the freedom of the media to use undisclosed sources , which separate us from dictatorships. BULLFUCKINGSHIT! Judith admitted that she did not tell out of her own self-interest, not for some noble cause of protecting freedom of the press. Furthermore, she was abetting a criminal, not protecting a whistleblower. Why can't many main newspaper and journalists make that goddamn distinction???
Rosie DiManno is the main opinion columnist for the relatively left Toronto Star newspaper. I've never warmed up to her...something snarky and somewhat neoconnish about her. A few days ago, she wrote this article which infuriated me. may need to use to get the full article. I would do it, except for the guidelines here at DU. Here's a sample:
My God, the English are made of strong stuff.
Those looking for reassurance, a toehold of sanity in a maddened world, need cast their eyes no further than the society attacked in yesterday's bombings. London, stricken at its very heart, did not succumb to paralysis and hysteria. The most civilized city on the face of the Earth, the cradle of parliamentary democracy, took a harsh blow from barbarism and then steadied itself.
England is not Spain.
It won't cut and run, cowering in the face of atrocities and threats realized.Prime Minister Tony Blair will not recall 9,000 British troops from Iraq, nor will he relinquish Britain's commitment to take over the lead NATO role in Afghanistan next May. If anything, I suspect, the popular opposition to military engagement in Iraq will lose some of its traction.
While I concur with the praise of the British steely and cool resolve, I condemn her low blow against Spain. The Spanish were not cowards who walked away with their tails between their legs. They were always against this way, and were rightfully outraged at the bullshit wrought upon them by Aznar right after the Madrid bombing. Fuck you, Rosie, and your war crime supporting bullshit!