This is the text of an email from Reba Shimansky, a New York Democrat, to Rick Kaplan and Christopher Hitchens, who responded with characteristic Tory civility. Take it away, Reba...
A.My EMail to Rick Kaplan with a CC to Christopher Hitchens
"1. I strongly object to the constant use of Christopher Hitchens as a so called pundit. He is a repugnant individual. On the 7/8 program "Connected-Coast-Coast" Mr. Hitchens said that England would not withdraw from Iraq because of 4 small bombs. Well tell that to the families who lost loved ones and those who are seriously injured.
Also on Scarborough Country when asked to comment on something something Hillary Clinton said-he gratuitously commented that "He could not stand looking at her." That was mean and unnecssary.
I know MSNBC has him on because he says outrageous things. However in fact he is a pompous ass who does not know what the hell he is talking about. He is also well known for being an out of control drunk-is that the kind of person want on MSBC?
2. Also I would like Ron Reagan to be replaced by someone more partisan. Mr. Reagan is too mild mannered to be paired for a foot soldier of the radical right like Monica Crowley.
Joe Conason would be a good replacement."
Read more for The Drink-Soaked Popinjay's Response: want to read this.