Edited on Mon Jul-11-05 10:14 AM by BushFungus
These stories are fascinating, and quite disturbing. I have been laid off since 2001. I had a GREAT job which I LOVED as a tech writer at a telecom in Northern Virginia. It was the highlight of my career. Too bad I was only there one year.
The company had 3 rounds of layoffs. After the second, management PROMISED left and right that we wouldn't be laid off. When the announcement came, the Director brought us into his office and explained it all. He said he was sorry, blah blah, and that he swore he didn't know. I think it was bologna, personally.
Anyhow, my wife and I decided to move to Dallas because of the terribly high cost of living in the DC area. Well what do you know, we came here JUST WHEN the telecom industry crashed.
Dallas' telecom corridor, North Dallas/Richardson/Plano, was hot for telecom during the mid to late nineties. They were all here. Fujitsu, Nortel, Cingular, you name it. But now all I see, STILL, is empty buildings and empty parking lots. You can drive around parts of the area and it looks like a ghost town. These jobs either got trashed or outsourced to India.
Anyhow, the job search SUCKS. You can literally send out FIFTY resumes a month, and never hear from a one. You can network, respond to newspapers/Monster, and NOTHING. Why is that? It's because the job situation is SO BAD, that people are just applying to whatever. People from around the country are inundating employers with resumes, and the HR folks don't have time to respond to a thousand resumes per job posting.
About advanced degrees, this is scary. I have considered going back to school and getting an advanced degree in IT. But based on the responses here, it is obvious that it really wouldn't help anyhow, since 1) the job market sucks, and 2) All the "good jobs" are now located in Bangalore. Also, most of it is experience that they look for. On my resume, I highlighted my Telecommunications Analyst Certification. Thus far, it hasn't helped SQUAT. So I figure with this lousy job market, employers probably don't even care about advanced degrees, IF they get your resume to begin with.
If I were talking to a college student, I would tell them NOT to major in IT. It WAS hot, and now it's not. It is a strange thing in America to have an entire industry explode and then suddenly die off within the span of only ten years.
Incidentally, what got me questioning President Bush regarding his integrity was his constant repitition of the Orwellian catchphrase, "The economy is strong and getting stronger." I was so incensed with this lie, I refused to even CONSIDER voting for him in 2004. It's like he's slapping me in the face time and time again.