Link: <Why The Employment Situation Sucks
by bonddad --Sun Jul 10th, 2005
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics wages have barely grown
for the last 5 years.
According to the BLS, the average earnings increase from 2000-2004
was 3.86%, 3.22%, 3.12%, 1.71% and 2.39% respectively. However
wages have to be compared to inflation to determine the real rate of
wage growth. For the same years, annual inflation was 3.4%, 2.8%,
1.6%, 2.3% and 2.7% respectively. When inflation is subtracted from
wages, overall wage growth becomes .46%, .42%, 1.52%, -.59% and-.31%
respectively for 2000-2004.
Therefore, a family who started in 2000 with $36,000 now makes
$36,538.37. For those of you who are interested, that is a compound
annual growth rate of .29%. Color me a liberal traitor and a man
who hates America, but I think that growth rate sucks.
Let's look at the labor participation rate, which measures the
percentage of people working as a total of the total number of
people able to work. According to the BLS, that percentage was 67.2
in January of 2001. Last month, that percentage was 66%. Wow,
another brilliant achievement for dear leader. Less people are
working now than in 2001.
Given that there is little meaningful gain in wages, how do people
maintain their standard of living? Why they follow the Republican
lead, and incur massive amounts of debt. >