Snip: <Bush Demonstrates Misunderstanding of Terrorist Threat --
In his radio address today (7/9/05), President Bush once again
demonstrated he does not have an understanding of the threat we face:
Bush: "The terrorists believe that with a few hard blows, and the
televised repetition of horrific images of violence, they can force
us to retreat."
That's not in fact what Bin Laden and company believe, and that is
not their modus operandi. The terrorists are willing to fight over
the long-term and have repeatedly demonstrated their patience. As
Michael Scheuer, former chief bin Laden tracker at the CIA,
said, "in Laden has been at this now for the better part of 20
years; he's a patient man."
Bush quoted bin Laden in his on Iraq. Had he read
the rest of bin Laden's message to the Iraqi people, he would have
come across this statement:
: "No doubt, you recall the words of the conceited one
who said `I will settle the battle in six days or seven weeks.' You
recall Bush's words, when he said `the major operations are over,'
just a few weeks after the beginning of the war. They think that the
people in front of them are sheep and that the whole thing is a
picnic in Panama. They did not know that the lions of Al-Shara and
Khiffan are in the field, carrying
their souls on the palms of their hands. They are trained on
patience and endurance. Their victory is joy and their death is
Bush's prescription for winning remains the same:
Bush: "In the face of such adversaries, there is only one course of
action: We will continue to take the fight to the enemy, and we will
fight until the enemy is defeated."
If Bush is operating under the mistaken impression that the
terrorists just want to strike "a few hard blows" and that we must
simply "stay the course," then clearly the violence will only
intensify over time. When's the last time you heard Bush talk about
winning "hearts and minds"? And where's the strategy for that? >