Anyone who owns a parrot will tell you this, it has been known for years. Teflon pans, when heated emit a toxic gas that is fatal to parrots and birds. Bird cult people, myself included, have been trying for years to no avail to get the company to put a warning on the label for (new) bird owners. Their answer was that the pan has to be overheated, essentially burned, to emit the deadly gas. This claim was shown to be false on an expose done by one of those news shows (20/20, dateline, etc. don't remember which). I watched the show because I'm keep parrots. They showed that the gas was emitted in toxic levels during normal use, not just when the pan was overheated. But of course, so far nothing has been done.
Parrot people in the know have purged teflon from their homes, myself included years ago. But our concern is that this gas may harm infants and little children, not to mention adults over time. It causes a healthy parrot to drop off it's perch stone-cold dead if the parrot is positioned too close to the cooking area. This shit is not harmless!!