Edited on Mon Jul-11-05 10:33 AM by ulTRAX
Strategy is a tool to obtain goals. Those goals can be short or long-term.
It seems there's a basic mismatch between the Left and Right in the US. The Right has long-term goals to undermine the social safety net, let corporations run amok, and to permit obscene wealth inequality.
To accomplish the above they have three main strategies... 1: "strangle the beast"... to sabotage the finances of government with irresponsible tax cuts... 2: hijack the federal judiciary to delegitimize New Deal government 3: free trade which forces US corporations to compete with nations that don't have social/environmental overhead.
Their strategy is working quite well.... but not because it reflects better ideas. In fact the Right would prefer NOT to mention what their true intent is. It's succeeding because the American Left... as best represented by the Democratic Party... has no long term vision of its own. It passes off constituent special interests as its values and can't even come to grips with its central contradiction that while wrapping itself in the mantel of democracy, all its energy goes into protecting our anti-democratic political system.
In this state of intellectual bankruptcy it seems to believe that its salvation will come from repackaging old ideas a la Lakoff rather than reexamining core values and building a long-term vision of where we want to take America in 25-50 years.
Without such a vision... long term strategy is impossible. Without an overall strategy, the American Left will be fighting with one hand tied behind its back.