Dear Editor,
In light of the latest scandal surrounding the Bush Administration and Rove's blowing the cover of a CIA agent then probably trying to cover it up, I felt I could no longer hold my tongue about this corrupt Administration. According to John Dean and Wayne Madson, several indictments will probably be handed out soon. Key members of this Administration may have committed treason, perjury, made a consorted effort to spread misinformation to the press, defrauded the government, obstructed justice and compromised our national security by blowing the cover of a CIA agent involved in monitoring WMD around the world leading to the death of at least one CIA agent. In the words of Ed Gillespie, the Republican National Committee Chairman, this is worse than Watergate yet the press has been largely silent on this.
The Downing Street Minutes or (DSM) from the UK which have gained media attention in the last month show the Bush administration likely fixed intelligence around policy to manipulate the American people and Congress into thinking Iraq posed an eminent threat taking us into an illegal unnecessary bloody war. This is a crime of incredible proportions! The content of the DSM ties directly in with blowing the cover of Valeria Plame who's husband, Joseph Wilson, had PROVED Bush's statement about Iraq purchasing Yellowcake from Niger to produce nuclear weapons was FALSE yet he used it his State of the Union address leading up to the Iraq war! What this basically is is a “White Hat CIA faction” who sent Wilson to investigate the Bush administrations claims, clashing with a “Black Hat CIA faction” connected with the Bush administration and used to fix intelligence to scare the American people into an unnecessary war. Wilson, a seasoned diplomat with experience in both Iraq and Africa and a recognized expert on the uranium mining industry in Africa, was sent to investigate Bush administration claims that Saddam was attemting to purchase yellowcake urnaium from Niger in order to reboot his nuclear program. The claims were baseless and Wilson so reported. When the White House continued to make such claims in public, Wilson blew the whistle and told his story in The New York Times. In an effort to discredit Wilson, White House officials spread stories about Wilson and, in the process, disclosed his wife's duties for the CIA. The worst and most ironic thing here is that Valerie Plame's work with the CIA was monitoring WMD's around the world. It appears the Bush administration didn't really care about protecting us from WMD's or they would not have compromised the CIA's ability's to monitor them around the world.
The Bush administration's lies have left over ten thousand Americans either dead, mutilated or inflicted with the darkest forms of post traumatic stress syndrome one can imagine! Tens of thousands of Iraqi's have been killed and a whole country's infrastructure blown to bits. Dozens of articles now indicate the Iraq war has increased terrorism around the world dramatically. It's turned the world against us and Bush has blown 300 Billion of American tax dollars with this endless war. He has ruined our army, failed to protected our soldiers with armor and, against the Geneva Conventions, humans have been tortured. Meanwhile, this Administration has acted like they were appointed by GOD and could do no wrong! It's time Rove and the Bush administration end their silence on this. The American people deserve answers, not silence.