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Stripes letter: Kellogg, Brown and Root (Halliburton) gets a thumbs down

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lebkuchen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-11-05 03:37 PM
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Stripes letter: Kellogg, Brown and Root (Halliburton) gets a thumbs down
Whose steaks were they?

On July 4, I went to dining facility 1 on Anaconda because I heard the steaks they were serving were outstanding.

When I approached the line, I noticed there were just dried out pork, sloppy chicken and what looked like a cheap sausage. I figured they must be giving them out at the short-order grill station. The cook there had a stack of steaks. I and a few soldiers asked for a steak. He said to go to the main line. We went back to the main line and were informed that they were out of steaks. The KBR manager said his boss did not account for enough steaks for the Fourth of July. Meanwhile, over his shoulder the Filipino was busy cooking up a slew of steaks.

I want to know who those steaks were for. If they were for upper-echelon officers, well shame on them for screwing over their soldiers. If they were for the workers in the dining facility, shame on them double.

Every holiday meal KBR screws something up. Last Thanksgiving, the KBR manager at dining facility 2 announced they ran out of food.

I am a contractor and can purchase food at Burger King or Pizza Hut, but the soldiers need to eat. Many come straight from the field still with dirt on their face looking for something to fill their guts. I am quite ashamed that someone would screw these guys over.

Clearing KBR out and putting in a new company would be just the ticket in letting them know that getting it right is the only way to do things.

If something doesn’t come of this problem, then shame on every officer out here. How do you expect your soldiers to do what you ask of them if you can’t watch out for them?

Jason E. Dorfler
Logistics Support Area Anaconda, Iraq
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Turbineguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-11-05 03:41 PM
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1. This man has the right idea
but to Crashcart this is talk of "armed overthrow".
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Tesla Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-11-05 03:41 PM
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2. How do they sleep at night!!!
I know, in a big cumfy EXPENSIVE bed!!!!
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Tim4319 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-11-05 03:51 PM
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3. And it is who that does not support our troops?
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