It's public record now that Visor Consultants were running a drill of the underground being bombed in precisely the same places at precisely the same times. They were hired by an unnamed American Banking company, according to managing director, former Scotland Yard official Peter Power, which suggested the scenario. Mr. Power disclosed this on the British news network ITN. (The video is available here. Yes, it is, but if the moderator would just bother to visit the page, you will notice immeadeatly the windows media player plugin window begining to play the video from ITN, so there's no reason to question the source of this information)
Since the odds of this being a coincidence are astronomical, the only answer I can see to explain this is the terrorists knew about the drill and planned the attack to coincide with it. Now, it's hard to understand how Al-Queda could have learned that information, or even why they would want to coincide with such an exercise. On the other hand, a western intelligence agency would have known, and would have plenty reason to want to coincide with the drill. In addition, guilty politicians might want to have emergency services ready to respond quickly, to at least mitigate the human damage after the attack's goal has been acomplished psycologicaly. Similarly, it is also public record that FEMA was in NY on Sept. 10th for a drill which positioned them to be able to quickly respond the next day, and this was confirmed by Rudy Guliani before the 9/11 Commmision in public hearings in NY. In adition, NORAD was running a wargame labled Vigilant Guardian the morning of 9/11 simulating comercial hijackings and involving the insertion of false radar blips on FAA and military radar. This was also confirmed before the 9/11 Commision by Gen. Eberhardt.
The gov'ts only position is to explain this as coincidence or claim Al-Queda knew of the drill. Neither is very plausible. Because of the way this info narrows done the list of suspects, it is of extreme relevance to solving the crime. And yet it is being intentionaly ignored by the media and the gov't, and censored on political chatboards. Why?