Very last question the Scottymander took on Monday:
Q Scott, voting rights reauthorization. I understand the President is for voting rights reauthorization, but he still wants to study portions of it. It sounds kind of contradictory. Could you explain what that means, as it's up for renewal?
MR. McCLELLAN: Sure. As you point out, it's up of reauthorization in 2006. The President does support reauthorization. That process is getting underway in Congress. And as it works its way through Congress, the White House will look at and consider any improvements to strengthen it. And that's -- that's really where it stands at this point.
Q Well, what does he think could strengthen it? What tweaks is he thinking of right now --
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think that's something we'll look at. There are suggestions that I'm sure people are going to make as we move forward, and we'll look at and consider those suggestions. The President also met with the Congressional Black Caucus and said he would take their views into account as we move forward, as well.
Improvements? Like perhaps making it easier for minorities? Hah. The * crime family's track record sure doesn't point that way.
I am skeptical of any 'improvements' this BFFE crime family makes - this is very unsettling.