Well, I haven't made a decision yet, but I'm closing in. I won't say anything bad about anybody. I like them all to some degree. I'll divide my leanings into three categories: Favorites, Impressive, and Good. These are based on my own opinions of the candidates' positions, electability, and whatever...
Clark - He quite obviously has a commanding presence. He is intelligent, and well-spoken. I think that he has broad appeal.
Edwards - Another intelligent, smooth, and personable candidate. He needs more exposure in the media. I was surprised at how impressive he was.
Dean - You don't get to be a doctor by being stupid, and Dean proves that. He's also very passionate. (Needs to work on his media skills, though)
Kerry - Competent, intelligent, and experienced.
Moseley-Braun - She's great! If she has a drawback, it's that she's too cerebral, IMO.
Graham - He's experienced, sincere, and strong. I liked him as Governor and Senator. He'd be a fine President.
Sharpton - I love Al. I suppose it's no secret that he won't win, but I would gladly vote for him.
Kucinich - If this was the good old days, I'd happily burn a vote for Dennis. My heart is with him.
Gephardt - I admire many of the things that Dick has accomplished in his long career. His willingness to endorse ideas that he believes are right even though they may not be politically popular makes him worthy of respect.
You will probably notice that Lieberman is not listed anywhere. I have eliminated him from consideration. That's all I'll say.
I was very impressed with the debate.