S. and thank you.
and here it is!
Veterans For Peace Attn: Michael McPhearson 216 South Meramec Ave. St. Louis, MO 63105
VETERANS FOR PEACE Veterans Working Together for Peace & Justice Through Non-violence. Wage Peace!
Why Dallas?
Not long ago I saw an e-mail where one of our members asked, “Why hold our convention in Dallas?” Dallas in August will be hot and muggy and possibly not a fun place to be. Worse, Dallas is in the heart of Bush country. Why should Veterans For Peace go there? These are good and valid questions, so as we move closer to the convention I thought I should try to answer them.
I see three reasons why it is critical Veterans For Peace turnout a large contingent on August 4th – 7th. Over the past four years the growth of our organization has been breath taking. To date we have 123 chapters. That’s an amazing number and more are forming. We have three chapters in Texas and another being organized. It is not always easy to start a chapter and it is harder in states like Texas. Let’s be honest, Texas is not the most progressive state in the union. Organizing in Texas takes guts. Without divulging any personal information, many of our members paid a heavy price because of their activism for VFP. Due to their actions and truth-telling, there was conflict with friends, disagreement within families. One member had to leave town and start over in an effort to salvage his life. But guess what, these men and women are still members, they support our efforts and the chapters are still kicking. These Texans, who braved the ignorance and fear of their neighbors, need our support. In fact, they deserve our support. We should not let them down.
Veterans For Peace is not the only peace organization in Dallas. There are many others wearily toiling away in a vast desert of American conservatism. Can you imagine working on an issue like the death penalty in Dallas? Organizations like Drums Not Guns, Code Pink, Dallas; Job with Justice, Dallas; Pax Christi, Dallas; Peace Action Tarrant County, Peace Action Denton, Peace and Justice Center – Arlington, Peacemakers, Inc., United For Peace and Justice and many others are working to forward the causes of peace and justice in the region. Activists from the Dallas Peace Center are working hard to help support our convention. It is important to continue to strengthen our relationships with other organizations in the peace, justice and anti-war movements. They have been looking to veterans for leadership. We cannot provide leadership if we are not present. I think it is important to show them support.
Finally and perhaps most important is that Dallas is truly the belly of the beast. President Bush is no stranger to Dallas. It is his stomping grounds. Our last two conventions in Boston and San Francisco have been in cities friendly to progressives and liberal-minded people. Dallas has already proven itself just the opposite. When the American Friends Service Committee displayed Eyes Wide Open in Dallas, organizers were threatened and heckled. Members of VFP took the initiative to help ensure a safe space for the memorial. It is time for us to make our presence felt again. The conservative heartland must see and hear the faces and voice of dissent. It is important to the success of our cause to gather in the unusual places where progressives are seldom found. We must take our message to the unconverted and be fearless in the face of those who try to intimidate us. I think we have an obligation to the nation and the world. What better place and time than Dallas during the Veterans For Peace 2005 Convention? I look forward to seeing you there.
Real support for the troops means: End The Occupation, Bring Them Home Now and Take Care Of Them When They Get Here.
Michael T. McPhearson
Executive Director Veterans For Peace
peace: One step at a time.