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Alpha FReeper "Pukin Dog" predicts Rove canonization

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GeorgeBushytail Donating Member (862 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-12-05 04:24 PM
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Alpha FReeper "Pukin Dog" predicts Rove canonization
Well, not quite, but close:

"Let me tell you what is going to happen.

When this investigation is over, some Liberal is going to go to jail for perjury. Another Liberal is going to be found to be the individual who leaked Plame’s name. Many members of the media, including the girly-men in the White House Press Gang is going to be proven to be an idiot of the first order, and a liar as well.

Karl Rove will NOT be fired; nor will he resign.

It will be found that what Rove said to Matthew Cooper was not illegal, nor was Rove involved in any attempt to harm the liar Joe Wilson for his dishonest ‘Yellow Cake’ report. Judith Miller will never tell who her source is, and she will remain in Jail until October, because she is under orders to do so.

Robert Novak, in October or sooner, will tell all, unless the Democrats can find something to put in his food.

When this is all over, the Democrats will have wasted the entire year in preparation for the 2006 elections on this ‘scandal’, along with their media cohorts. When the election season comes around, they will have no talking points to speak of. The Supreme Court will have become a settled issue, the budget will have passed which includes the authorization for ANWAR drilling, the Energy bill will have passed, and Iraq will be working under their first Constitution.

At the same time, livid Liberals will be looking for someone to blame for losing their balance on the Supreme Court, ANWAR and every other coming defeat. They will split into moderate and nut-case wings again, and produce a filibuster-proof Senate majority for the Republican Party.

Karl Rove will sit back with another cigar, and have a good chuckle. Democrats will resume their search for cheese.

How do I know this?

I’m not telling. But, have I been wrong yet?

I’m Pukin Dog."

In about a month I'm going to get a troll account at FR and remind him of his predictions.

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Goldmund Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-12-05 04:28 PM
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1. Pukin dog is KKKarl himself
How do I know this?

I’m not telling. But, have I been wrong yet?
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GeorgeBushytail Donating Member (862 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-12-05 04:32 PM
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2. Already a thread on it here
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