Cheney setting up Wilson, to create an excuse or cover story to get at his wife and destroy her WMD network, while keep himself in the background--a whole lot of puzzling things fall into place, as do probable reasons for why some of the above questions have not been answered.
Cheney was involved in cooking WMD intel at the time this all occurred. He had no interest in accurate information. Then, he asks Joe Wilson to go to Niger to look into the Iraq nuke charge. (This is what Wilson said--no? That it was the V-P's request. But keep in mind that Cheney didn't put it in writing.) Cheney knows he won't find anything. When Wilson gets back and reports that he found nothing (this was also not in writing, I believe), Cheny or minions then put the false charge about Iraq nukes into Bush's SOTU speech ANYWAY, despite Wilson's report--a charge that is provably false, and for which there is a witness to its falsity. Why did they do this? They had plenty of other lies to tell that were not so easily proved wrong. Why is it still unknown WHO did this (put the provably false charge in Bush's speech)? It looks very much like this was done, deliberately, to bait Wilson.
He obliges and whistleblows. Cheney now has an excuse--a cover story--by which to out Plame and her entire 20+ year eyes and ears network on WMDs. Why? My guess is, a) a covert plan to plant WMDs in Iraq--or future plans for Iran, Syria, etc.; and/or b) Cheney's nefarious arms dealings around the world. A CIA WMD spy network, run by a long term agent, would be an obstacle to certain plans of Cheney's.
So the story is spun that Rove did it, in order to punish Wilson and chill dissent (a believable story, given Rove's history). Rove agrees to take the fall, if it comes to that. (--will be pardoned and richly rewarded). And they put out this rather peculiar tale, through intermediaries (laundering--by Judith Miller?) that Wilson is married to Plame, a CIA WMD covert expert, and that this somehow taints or discredits Wilson. This part really doesn't make sense. Having such a wife would seem to ENHANCE his ability to carry out the Niger mission. But what they really want to get at, is the fuzz point: that it was Plame, and not Cheney, who chose Wilson to go to Niger. No paper trail. Wilson can't prove otherwise.
Thus, Cheney has destroyed the CIA's--or in any case Plame's--ability to follow his worldwide WMD activities, and has also placed himself in the background, out of harm's way of breaking federal law and committing treason.
Plame...the tip of the iceberg... (Plame maybe investigating Cheney arms deals when they busted her CIA weapons op) If it was a plot to plant WMDs in Iraq--Bush/Blair's most important political need in summer '03, when all this occurred--then, how was it foiled? My theory is it might have been foiled by David Kelly, the Brit weapons inspector who was likely "suicided" in England, during this same time period. I won't go into this here, except to say that it was to Judith Miller that Kelly wrote his famous email about "many dark actors playing games."
More about Judith Miller (Miller/Plame/David Kelly)