, ORIN WAS SEMI-RIGHT: Unfortunately, for all Rove’s misconduct (which may not be criminal), this isn’t a perfect case for liberals. Unfortunately, almost everything Deborah Orin said on last night’s Hardball is true, or at least semi-true. If Dems and libs want to deal with reality, they need to understand these facts. We’ll discuss them in more detail tomorrow. But here’s what Orin said:
ORIN (7/11/05): Democrats are always dreaming that they have got a new Watergate. This is not a new Watergate.
What has come out pretty clearly so far, I think, is—there is an issue of whether Karl Rove told the truth and the whole truth. But what`s more important is, it is clear that Joe Wilson didn`t tell the truth. We have a bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report that says, on virtually every point that Joe Wilson made, starting from denying his wife had him sent on the trip, which turns out to be not true—
MATTHEWS: Right. She did.
ORIN: She did. And to claiming that he found that there was no ties with Iraq and that he reported that, which he did not report. He reported, if anything, the opposite.
To claiming that he reported there were forged documents, which was not true, because he never even saw the documents. So, Joe Wilson`s credibility is seriously in question. And what we now see is, what Karl Rove appears to have been doing was to be pointing out to Time magazine that Joe Wilson could not be trusted, rather than trying to get even with Joe Wilson.
And it is sort of fascinating, because, you know, for a year, the press reported Joe Wilson`s charges. And then, when the Senate Intelligence Committee said they were all false, it didn`t.Orin is stretching a bit on various points. But unfortunately, much of what she said last night is true or semi-true (including that final comment about the press, by the way). On the newly-viral liberal web, it’s heresy to discuss this, of course. But Joseph Wilson has been a severely flawed messenger. If libs and Dems want to be smart, not viral, they’ll want to understand that fact. More on the topic tomorrow.
TOMORROW: Wilson’s warts. And oh yeah—why did you hear so little about those blanket waivers?