Atrios also picked up on it right away:
Declined to SayOops:Luskin declined to say whether Rove knew that Plame was a covert agent, even if he did not know her name, which analysts said was a crucial factor in determining whether the law was broken.
Luskin is very careful to word his spin ("knowingly," "identified," "intended") to fit the statute (when feasible), or at least sway the public - or at the least avoid obstruction of justic charges.
By the way, like Rove, Luskin isn't that bright - he's just unscrupulous. None of the spins he's tried has even worked out that well.
- The "didn't intentionally" defense is contradicted by the six or seven reporters on Karl's get-Joe-Wilson list. And by the line: "Wilson's wife is fair game."
- Unless we assume bigamy, the "identified as the wife but didn't name" spin is blown away by
the statute itself.
- And the "didn't knowingly" defense equals the "didn't know she was covert" defense - which seems to have crumbled now.
Luskin has had his own run-ins with the word "knowingly" too (and Luskin lost). He once claimed he never dreamed that
the half a million dollars in gold bars he received as "attorney fees" from his mobbed-up money-laundering drug-smuggling client might have been
stolen assets.