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10 Canidates lets get back congress instead.

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Homer12 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-26-03 12:24 AM
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10 Canidates lets get back congress instead.

Yes; Having 10 canidates will help the party find its spine again.

I look at it this way, we either WIN back the executive branch, OR balance the equation by getting control of congress again (at least 1 branch).

I'd rather we win back the congress, pull a reverse contract with America minus the Gingrichism Extremism; plus, we don't even need it.

Bush and his PNAC pals have given the Democrats all the ammo they need to prosecute them, all we need to do is win back congress.

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AntiCoup2K4 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-26-03 12:32 AM
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1. We can win the White House and the Senate with little difficulty.
We could get the House if absolutely every eligible voter who doesn't like what Bush has done to this country voted in 2004.

Don't forget that only about 20% of eligible voters voted for Junior. Only slightly more than that voted for Gore. The other half didn't vote at all. That's the problem.... and those are the people that need to get their asses to the polls. If you meet someone who bitches about Bush and didn't vote, rip em a new asshole - they deserve it.
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