in an argument about this case, it doesn't matter who sent Wilson...that's a red herring they throw out there to take away from the real crimes, being first the forgeries and reasons for war being lies, second blowing the cover of a CIA agent and her operatives who were working on tracing WMD's ...She was doing her job, ** and Chaney asked for info on WMD's, that was her area of work and she was pissed on for doing her job...Just like every other CIA, FBI agents and others that disagreed with this administration on the info about WMD's and Iraq...
When informing someone about this, if they start at you with well Wilson said he went at the request of the White House, yada, yada...he did not say that, I don't recall him saying anything about who sent him...anyway, it doesn't don't have tho debunk something that isn't important and if someone tries to hit you with it, just ask them why it matters and what is more important to them, that he was sent by his wife to find out something or what he found out...
But here's the info anyway for you, even though from what I gather, THAT is the crux of THEIR debunking of Wilson, that his wife sent that debunks the info he found I don't's kinda like the Rather affair...debunking the paper, but not the content.... isn't about Joe Wilson, or his trip, this IS about how far this administration will go to PLAY politics, instead of actually governing our country...