Edited on Tue Jul-12-05 11:37 PM by Mythsaje
I've actually been considering these things a lot lately. Wife's more of a Libertarian than a Liberal, so I live with these discussions on a fairly rarely basis.
The Left has to aim some focus at "Civil Liberties" as well as "Civil Rights." As I see it, it's an obvious link--deny NO ONE, regardless of race, creed, color, gender, or sexual identity--their civil liberties, and you might get a few more Libertarians on board.
Re-think the War On Drugs. Many Libertarians consider it a BIG waste of time and money.
Acknowledge the 2nd Amendment as it was intended. To protect us from outside assault AND internal tyranny.
Stop trying to be World Policeman. It's not necessary to have a HUGE defense budget if you're not constantly spending it trying to fix problems all over the world...that's what the U.N.'s supposed to be for.
Simplify taxation, and MAKE THE MONEY COUNT. Pursue any hint of corruption like a pack of hounds, and get rid of pork-barrel politics. Don't even consider raising taxes while the money's being wasted or drained off to benefit the politicians and their supporters.
A lot of Libertarians are anti-tax and anti-federal spending. They distrust the Federal government (looking around, I see their point). If we could push through a Federal Civil Liberties/Rights amendment, then turn at least SOME control of taxation and distribution back to the states, we'd turn a lot of Libertarians.
Take away corporate "personhood" and make people responsible for their actions regardless if they're acting on behalf of a corporation or not. This would defuse SOME of the pro-business legislation the Libertarians would like to see.
Thankfully not ALL the Libertarians are Ayn Rand types, but enough of them are that you need to find the right frame to get them on board certain types of legislation...if you do it on a state level, with a government that is both responsible and responsive, you might have a chance.
edited to fix a typo