...of the immoral, unethical, hypocritical or down right illegal actions that the bush administration, and republican in general have committed since Bush took office in 2001. I think that once we have a list of all the problems of this administration it will help to convince people that rethuglicans do not belong in power. This is a BIG project and I need as much help as I can get. I’ll start with a few that come to mind, please add the ones that I miss; again it’s a BIG project.
1) DOWNING STREET MENUTES A) “Spikes of Activity” B) “…intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy…” 2) IRAQ (the lead up to the war) A) Lies About WMD i. To the press and public ii. To our Senators and Congressman iii. To the UN and the International Community B) Lies about Al Quieda link C) Lied about cost of war D) “…I doubt six months.” E) Dissent is unpatriotic F) “Freedom Fries” G) No UN or International Support H) No post war planning 3) IRAQ (the war and reconstruction) A) Nearly 1,800 American soldiers dead B) Over 13,000 wounded C) Over 100,000 civilian dead D) Absolutely NO WMD found E) 9 BILLION dollars just missing F) No exit plan G) Inadequate forces i. to stop looting ii. protect ammunition depots iii. enough troops to protect Oil though H) Abu Ghraib (TORTURE) I) Halliburton i. over a BILLION in over charges ii. Cheney still receives 150,000 a year iii. Cheney has 433,000 in stock options iv. dirty food J) Iraq citizens are left without clean water K) Iraq citizens are left without electricity 4) Afghanistan A) Too few Troops B) Lack of Focus C) Paying warlords to find Bin Laden 5) The Party Who Lost Their Scruples A) ROVE i. leaked CIA operative’s identity ii. a man with no Scruples iii. 9/11 comments B) NOVAK i. leaked CIA operative’s name ii. a man with no Scruples C) Rush Limbaugh i. addicted to OxyContin (Hypocrite) D) Gonzales i. legal defense for the abuse and torture of prisoners ii. Recommended opting out of the Geneva Convention E) Jeb Bush i. Terry Schivo case F) Bill Frist i. Schivo diagnosis on senate floor ii. Denial of diagnosis after autopsy prove him wrong G) The Swift Boat Bastards H) Any one who works at Fox News i. except Clark I) Ann Coulter i. For every word she ever spoke or wrote J) Dick Cheney i. Halliburton ii. “last throes” iii. voted against asking to free Nelson Mandela (pre2001) K) Condoleezza Rice i. “Bin Laden determined to Attack inside United States” (8/6/01) L) Colin Powell i. Vial of anthrax at the UN M) Delay i. illegal fund raising ii. orchestrated the Texas congressional redistricting N) President Bush i. Appeared in military uniform to declare “Mission Accomplished” ii. Considers ROVE his “Brain” iii. Considers Gonzales a friend iv. He chose Cheney as a running mate v. More vacations than any other president in history vi. He’s the man with his finger on the button vii. He is responsible for all those under him viii. (I dare you to find one thing he’s done right) ix. (I double dog dare you) 6) Power Grabs A) Threatened to unethically end Filibuster B) Republican controlled branches i. White House ii. Senate iii. House of Representatives iv. Supreme Court 7) Media A) Tax payer money for fake news reports B) Tax payer money for journalist to support policy 8) Environment 9) Economy 10) Taxes A) Majority went to the wealthiest one percent B) Unprecedented tax cuts during time of War 11) Corporate Corruption 12) TORTURE A) Guantonamo Bay i. Stress positions ii. Koran Desecration iii. Sleep depravation B) Abu Ghraib i. Dogs set on prisoners ii. Sexual degradation iii. Blame the soldiers, the “few bad apples” C) Sent prisoner to countries that routinely use TORTURE i. Uzbekistan boils their victims alive 13) Election Fraud 14) Religion in Politics A) Faith based initiatives i. Abstinence only sex education B) Anti-Gay Hysteria C) Gay Marriage Constitutional Amendment D) Terry Schivo E) Stem cell research ban i. current plan allows destruction of some embryos (Hypocrite)
Okay its a start if you can think of any that should be put on let me know.