Edited on Wed Jul-13-05 08:16 AM by Walt Starr
Rove caused more damage to our anti-teror efforts in the area of WMDs than any single person has done to damage our national security since Benedict Arnold.
There WILL BE a terrorist attack involving WMDs.
Karl Rove must be held accountable for the part he played in the cause of that attack when it occurs, and must be put on trial for causing the murders when it occurs.
Since the Republicans are supportive of Karl Rove in this, Gibson on Fox News proclaiming him a hero for outing an agent whose responsibility was directly tied to anti-terrorist activities in the area of WMDs, the Republicans have demonstrated themselves to be soft on national defense, and soft on terrorism.
The Republicans are soft on WMD proliferation by terrorists.
The Republican Party will be to blame for the terrorists obtaining WMDs 100%.