"The Pentagon has backed off issuing a waiver of "Buy America" provisions of U.S. law that would have allowed the military to purchase Pakistani goatskin for use in bomber jackets.
We reported last week that the Defense Department notified a U.S. leather tanner of its plans to buy Pakistani goatskins by waiving the so-called Berry Amendment that requires purchasing key components from U.S. manufacturers.
The leather is needed for 12,000 to 30,000 brown leather bomber jackets, a trademark for fliers from the Navy, Air Force, Marines, Army and Coast Guard.
Several members of Congress pressured the Pentagon not to issue the waiver. They argued that the United States has plenty of suppliers of raw goatskins and tanners that can make the jackets."
Another FINE example of 'how to hurt' the small/mid-size business in Amurika....keep sending those jobs and the business overseas.
(on edit: oki the Pentagon 'backed off', but they were thinking about it - geez!)