;_ylt=AudRLYJ3C5S_ueYLiZSbxWoWIr0F;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUlThe number of people from countries other than Mexico arrested trying to cross the U.S. southern border has almost doubled this year, the head of the U.S. border patrol told the U.S. Congress on Tuesday.
In all, the border patrol has detained 919,000 illegal immigrants so far this year, of whom 119,000 were non-Mexicans. The largest single number -- over 12,000 -- came from Brazil.
But Mexico accepts only Mexicans, so any non-Mexicans are checked against government watch lists as a potential security or criminal threat.If their names do not appear, they are normally released on their own recognizance and told to appear at a deportation hearing often months in the future. Some 85 percent fail to show up for the hearing and are never seen again.
Aguilar said that last year the border patrol detained 644 people from "countries of concern" and had stopped some 500 this year. They were subjected to intense interrogation and investigation.
919,000 detained so far this year? Through 6 1/2 months? Good thing people attempting to come here illegally don't wish this country any harm, otherwise the lax border security might be an issue of concern for national security.