Edited on Wed Jul-13-05 11:39 AM by proiowadem
...of the immoral, unethical, hypocritical or down right illegal actions that the bush administration, and republican in general have committed since Bush took office in 2001. I think that once we have a list of all the problems of this administration it will help to convince people that rethuglicans do not belong in power. This is a BIG project and I need as much help as I can get. I’ll start with a few that come to mind, please add the ones that I miss; again it’s a BIG project. This will be reworked and reposted until I think we have everything.
1) DOWNING STREET MINUTES --A) “Spikes of Activity” --B) “…intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy…” 2) IRAQ (the lead up to the war) --A) Lies About WMD -----i. To the press and public -----ii. To our Senators and Congressman -----iii. To the UN and the International Community --B) Lies about Al Quieda link --C) Lied about cost of war --D) “…I doubt six months.” --E) Dissent is unpatriotic --F) “Freedom Fries” (just plain childish) --G) No UN or International Support --H) No post war planning 3) IRAQ (the war and reconstruction) --A) Nearly 1,800 American soldiers dead --B) Over 13,000 wounded --C) Over 100,000 civilian dead --D) Absolutely NO WMD found --E) 9 BILLION dollars just missing --F) No exit plan --G) Inadequate forces -----i. to stop looting -----ii. protect ammunition depots -----iii. enough troops to protect Oil though --H) Abu Ghraib (TORTURE) --I) Halliburton -----i. over a BILLION in over charges -----ii. Cheney still receives 150,000 a year -----iii. Cheney has 433,000 in stock options -----iv. dirty food --J) Iraq citizens are left without clean water --K) Iraq citizens are left without electricity 4) Afghanistan --A) Too few Troops --B) Lack of Focus --C) Paying warlords to find Bin Laden 5) The Party Who Lost Their Scruples --A) ROVE -----i. leaked CIA operative’s identity -----ii. a man with no Scruples -----iii. 9/11 comments --B) NOVAK -----i. leaked CIA operative’s name -----ii. a man with no Scruples --C) Rush Limbaugh -----i. addicted to OxyContin (Hypocrite) --D) Gonzales -----i. legal defense for the abuse and torture of prisoners -----ii. Recommended opting out of the Geneva Convention --E) Jeb Bush -----i. Terry Schivo case --F) Bill Frist -----i. Schivo diagnosis on senate floor -----ii. Denial of diagnosis after autopsy prove him wrong --G) The Swift Boat Bastards --H) Any one who works at Fox News -----i. except Clark --I) Ann Coulter -----i. For every word she ever spoke or wrote --J) Dick Cheney -----i. Halliburton -----ii. “last throes” -----iii. voted against asking to free Nelson Mandela (pre2001) --K) Condoleezza Rice -----i. “Bin Laden determined to Attack inside United States” (8/6/01) --L) Colin Powell -----i. Vial of anthrax at the UN --M) Delay -----i. illegal fund raising -----ii. orchestrated the Texas congressional redistricting --N) President Bush -----i. Appeared in military uniform to declare “Mission Accomplished” -----ii. Considers ROVE his “Brain” -----iii. Considers Gonzales a friend -----iv. He chose Cheney as a running mate -----v. More vacations than any other president in history -----vi. He’s the man with his finger on the button -----vii. He is responsible for all those under him -----viii. Used Colin Powel to give legitamize administration -----ix. (I dare you to find one thing he’s done right) -----x. (I double dog dare you) 6) Power Grabs --A) Threatened to unethically end Filibuster --B) Republican controlled branches -----i. White House -----ii. Senate -----iii. House of Representatives -----iv. Supreme Court 7) Media --A) Tax payer money for fake news reports --B) Tax payer money for journalist to support policy 8) Environment --A) Clear Skies --B) Healthy Forests Initiative 9) Economy --A) Huge defecits --B) The price of Oil -----i. blamed Clinton for $1.50 -----ii. No word on Bushes $2.30 10) Taxes --A) Majority went to the wealthiest one percent --B) UNPRESEDENTED tax cuts during time of War 11) Corporate Corruption --A) Enron --B) Airline bail outs 12) TORTURE --A) Guantonamo Bay -----i. Stress positions -----ii. Koran Desecration -----iii. Sleep depravation --B) Abu Ghraib -----i. Dogs set on prisoners -----ii. Sexual degradation -----iii. Blame the soldiers, the “few bad apples” --C) Sent prisoner to countries that routinely use TORTURE -----i. Uzbekistan boils their victims alive 13) Election Fraud 14) Religion in Politics --A) Faith based initiatives --B) Anti-Gay Hysteria --C) Anti-Gay Marriage Constitutional Amendment --D) Terry Schivo -----i. purely a political show -----ii. "tough issue for democrats" --E) Stem cell research ban -----i. current plan allows destruction of some embryos (Hypocrite) -----ii. (its either life or its not, and therefore wrong or not) -----iii. over 400,000 left in storage that will never be used --F) Abstinence only sex education -----i. HIV can be transmitted through tears 15) Homeland Security --A) The terror color code -----i. manipulation for political gain --B) Unprotected Nuclear and Chemical plants --C) Lack of border security
Okay its a start if you can think of any that should be put on, or expand any that are currently on there let me know.