Edited on Wed Jul-13-05 01:19 PM by tk2kewl
As a New Yorker who was angry as hell over the 9/11 attacks, I believed what the president told the country in the run-up to the Iraq war.
After you administration repeatedly doctored government reports on global warming, energy, and grazing, I now find the Downing Street Memos’ assertion that you were "fixing the intelligence and the facts" compelling.
Furthermore, it seems that CIA agent Valerie Plame’s identity was deliberately revealed in an attempt to discredit her husband Joe Wilson because he had shown that your administration was doing exactly what the Downing Street Memos assert.
I, and an overwhelming majority of New Yorkers I know, take your silence on Rove and the Plame incident as an admission of guilt. If there is some other explanation, I believe it is time for you to come clean.