;_ylt=AkYc8583ZPLtT0G7lJ1RQEOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3OXIzMDMzBHNlYwM3MDM-To accept that it is simply a commercial deal "is extraordinarily naive," former CIA Director James Woolsey told lawmakers. He said CNOOC is 70 percent owned by the Chinese government and its top executive was appointed by the Communist Party.
Frank Gaffney Jr., president of the Center for Security Policy, said the pursuit of Unocal is part of a "larger, very determined and ominous strategy" by China to lock up oil and gas resources.
Was this hearing on C-SPAN today? If it was, I wish I could've watched a hearing about China with Woolsey and Gaffney answering questions. The only way it could've been better would be to have gotten Kristol, Perle, and Krauthammer as well. Hell, imagine the whole PNAC gang in front of the microphones talking about the need to prevent a great power rival. Rumsfeld, Cambone, Wolfowitz, that would've been great TV.
Yeah, it'll be a bitch fighting for that energy.