Patrick Fitzgerald, U.S. Attorney, Chicago
Late year, Deputy Attorney General James Comey appointed Chicago-based U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate who leaked the name of undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame to reporter Bob Novak.
Attorney General John Ashcroft then recused himself from the case.
Why Fitzgerald?
"They have taken one of the most experienced and independent U.S. Attorneys in the country," said Lawrence Barcella, a partner at Paul Hastings in Washington, D.C."And they made Pat Fitzgerald the special counsel for this case. Pat Fitzgerald and Jim Comey are old long-time dear friends. They served in the U.S. Attorneys office in the southern district of New York. They tried some terrorism cases together. And that could cut both ways. It probably does mean that Jim Comey has complete utter confidence and trust in Fitzgerald. And when he says -- you handle it, and you just come to me when you need resources – I'm sure that is exactly what he does mean."
Even (former Illinois Governor, my insertion here) Ryan's defense attorney, Dan Webb, thinks picking Fitzgerald for the CIA leaks investigation was the right move.
"This is perfect for him," Webb told Corporate Crime Reporter earlier this year. "He's an outstanding prosecutor. He will clearly get to the bottom of the issues in this case. People will have confidence in the results."
http://www.corporatecrimereporter.com/toptenprosecutors081304.htmedited to insert snips.