and admittedly, he may not have, it is only because, as is often the case, the law can't cover every depraved action a person might possibly do. It literally never occured to anyone that a person with the type of responsibility that Rove has, would do such a thing. Spying for Russia, now that occured to people, so if Rove had told the local Russian spy that Wilson's wife was a CIA analyst or agent, he would have committed a crime. But until this craven group of criminals took over, no one dreamed that in order to get their way an administration would unmask a CIA employee to the press.
The fact that Rove is more depraved than our legistatures could have imagined may well save him from a jail cell. It shouldn't save his job. Just like it took Phillip Agee to bring the law into being at all in this regard, we can look forward to a new Rove law that will explicitly ban what Rove did. So future Roves will be in jail where they belong. The current Rove should be in his local unemployment line waiting to be denied his claim for unemployment. Proving yet again that one can be too depraved to be a criminal but no one can be too depraved to be unemployed.