How DARE I? I love it! I wonder where people get off daring to ask how DARE I suggest what I think is authentically progressive and not. You notice how there is this huge chorus of people, more than a dozen in less than half an hour of the initial posting, that all have the same position. Nor does there have to be any coordination for this phenomenon of choruses of protestation, often specifically on positions that are as I would call them, "Red Headed League" progressive. So far (I haven't read through all of each of the many often long threads yet!) I haven't found any that addressed my point about WHY it was essential. NOT ONE PERSON at TPM Cafe put forward a comment like that, curiously, in response to the EXACT same post that has been up longer (and I have posted it in some other venues as well) It is interesting.
There are choruses of protestations in "left" venues. And I certainly will assess what I think is authentically progressive and not. You have choruses of protestation, often with no one arguing the other side, on:
1) Insisting that Tawana Brawley was a Saint of the Left when she was obviously full of it any way you slice it OH THE CHORUSES AND THE HOW DARE YOUS
2) Denying that the HIV virus is real or that it is a decisive causal factor in the spread of AIDS AND THE SOPHISTRY IS INCREDIBLE. On WBAI, although Michio Kaku has to his credit run numerous programs of "Explorations" explaining the falsehood of the idea, there are often programs where you will get a dozen or more callers, all at one time with the same protestation
3) Explaining away why there is more activism around animals' rights in a month than around absolute poverty and macro-ecological issues like global warming and the ozone layer in a year (THE IRONY BEING THAT THE LATTER TWO ISSUES HAVE A MORE DECISIVE IMPACT ON NON-HUMAN ANIMALS THAN THE ISSUES ADDRESSED BY THE "EQUAL RIGHTS FOR LOBSTER TAILS" CROWD)
other issues also. These issues are also characterized, not only by the pursuit of issues in a way often at variance with science, with logic and evidence, with moral consistency, or combinations of these, they are also unbelievably huffy and indignant as a rule. There is, however, a further observation to be made. First, you have a pattern AMONG the issues, with similar interests of a "left" nature pursuing them, and then sometimes, as needed, covering their asses with reference thereto vis a vis other issues within this package (and others). They reflect the same master one serves, but sometimes, as with the Repugs also, it is in the interest of the 'master' that one or more position be soft-pedaled, or silent, or even denied, so as to promote something else. After all, the notion that those making progressive noises about being "against dominion" or against certain figures is itself bogus, but only the more effectively to put forward the AGENDA of dominion. So the interests behind AIDS obscurantism, not less obscurantist or interests than in the case of global warming, just less overt and aboveground, might see fit for some to protestate that they are not subscribers to THAT indignant nonsense, the more effectively to promote some other.
And another indignant issue is often the indignance at raising the issue of Authenticity itself. And especially in the way raised here. Or just try emitting peep to the effect that Israel is held to more stringent scrutiny than other countries, although their atrocities are quite significant and substantial vis-a-vis the Palestinians, but there are few who will fully recognize the rights of the Palestinians without being impossible to talk to in that way, while others are impossible in that they grossly understate the urgency of that concern. Either it's apartheid or there's nonsense about how Palestinians who live under Israeli rule are 'better off'. But the notion of severe oppression of a different order of magnitude than South African apartheid is an empty spot, because there is no chorus of protestation agenda that is behind that view. And the outrage that can be expressed is often really something, whenever someone deviates, let alone is as chutzpah laden on an issue as I.
But the Judith Miller case is quite clear cut. If she "commit a crime" or if she was "complicit" in the wrongdoing of the REpugs (two very different arguments to produce the same cachet/'feeling rule' response) the point is that ALL journalists who choose to protect their sources are put in danger when you make ANY reveal their sources. This is an easy one so I am insistent, and I notice, as on AIDS obscurantism, depending on the venue, a unanimity with little even equivocation on the issue -- and little deviation.
Yes where there's smoke there is fire -- the smoke of choruses of protestation indicate some kind of fire. What kind is that?