From a DaillyKos Diary - Many of the pieces are put together in the diary, it's too complicated to excerpt in any meaningful way. It's worth the read, go see
How the White House knew Plame was CIA
by pollyusa
Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 11:12:46 PDT
An INR (State Department) analyist wrote a classified report detailing a meeting that took place in early 2002. This document was leaked, by the administration, well before sections of the document became public in the 2004 Senate Report on Prewar Intelligence.
The text I have in bold here is the actual text of the INR document and the Senate Report. These quotes are shown in quotation marks in the Senate Report on Prewar Intelligence July 7th, 2004 (page 40).
the leaks and links are ... (too much to excerpt in any meaningful way, go read the article, it puts many of the pieces together)
read here