too long in tin foil hat years :)
I was just wondering if somehow his bull had sparked an attack - I guess the G8 is plenty, plus being pals with the Chimeror..
Loved the spin during the London attack, all the media folks parroting that Bush was there with the rest of the countries to cure starving africans (after he'd publicly trashed Blair in the US meet on TV offering a measly sum compared to the Brits to help, causing Blair to look at him in what I considered stunned disbelief..), and how they were ALL fixing Global Warming as well..
This after we heard the usual BS from our glorious leader about needing more study, or the latest lie..
the spin was snuck right in there as they carried those poor bastards out of the subway.
I'd like to see the Media dragged to the Hague in chains right next to ROve, Bush, Rice, Cheney, etc.. they are COMPLICIT..