this is not the case There is a U.S. soldier in Iraq that President Bush did not quote. His name is Leonard Clark. Clark has stated, in part, the following regarding the Iraq War:
Now, fellow activists, let us keep up the non-violent fight against the terrorists and the tyrants at home who are needlessly endangering my fellow soldiers and causing many of them to die needless deaths in this lie we call the Occupation of Iraq. We need to let the three-piece-suited politicians and their crooked lackeys know that we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore! . . . I'm damn tired of my Democratic leadership in Washington D.C. that refuses to publicly call for an immediate timetable for a withdrawal from Iraq. . . .
ur American soldiers are dying needless deaths over here and dammit, you've got to take a stand or we'll vote somebody else in your place! Not One More American Soldier Should Die Over Here in this Lie We Call the Occupation of Iraq!
N.O. M.A.S. !
Written by Leonard Clark (the damn liberal who patrols the mean streets of Iraq everyday)
and Kindergarten teacher in the public schools of America Candidate for the U.S. Senate against John Kyl in Arizona
Apparently, Leonard Clark is now under arrest for expressing such views.
Many commenters point out that Clark has likely violated Army regulations. That may well be so. Running for office seems a clear violation. Clark has criticized the Commander in Chief, which also appears to be a clear violation.